Joining forces with the world's largest entrepreneur community

Startup Grind is the world's largest entrepreneur community actively educating, inspiring, and connecting more than 3,500,000 entrepreneurs in over 600 cities.

South East Angels has partnered up with startup Grind to bring this community to Brighton. By doing so, we hope to make the region's resources and capabilities richer and make Brighton a better place for startups to thrive. Uniting the talent and funding resources that exist within this city, we want to support, nurture and help startups to grow in Brighton.

What to expect from Startup Grind Brighton?

We have partnered with PLATF9RM and Silicon Brighton to deliver exciting events to the Brighton founder community every month including monthly fireside chat interviews with successful entrepreneurs and startup mixers where you can network and connect with likeminded founders.

For more info visit:


Our Diversity & Inclusion Update


Our group signs the Investing in Women Code